Stairmaster Workout: Lift and Tone Your Glutes and Abs
Hello BÜNDIES! We’re excited to see you checking into our bi-weekly blog updates, featuring interesting perspectives on nutrition and training...
Hello BÜNDIES! We’re excited to see you checking into our bi-weekly blog updates, featuring interesting perspectives on nutrition and training...
It takes consistent effort to see results in your training routine. BÜNDA offers live group classes in Los Angeles on...
WHY DO WE COUNT FOR REPS AT BÜNDA? Repetition VS Time: Does it really matter? The answer is ABSOLUTELY. Here are the reasons...
STAIRMASTER BENEFITS: MAINTAINS MUSCLE TONE: Cardiovascular exercise burns muscle mass and spikes cortisol levels, especially long-duration cardio (Ex: a one-hour run). The...
WHAT ARE THE MAIN COMPONENTS OF SEEING RESULTS AT BÜNDA? 1. PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD. What is Progressive Overload? Overload is putting greater stress on...
The InBody Machine! We would like to highlight the InBody machine and analysis. Available to anyone who a member at BÜNDA...
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