Bunda FAQ background image


If you’re considering trying out BÜNDA, here are some of our most frequently asked questions. Don’t see your question here? Email or call us and we will be happy to help! Check out our Backed By Science and Fitness Myths pages for great resources to learn more about the workout.

Absolutely! The BÜNDA class is appropriate for ALL fitness levels. The key is taking the right progressions/modifications right for you. The class is not a boot camp and is as challenging as you want to make it. Our trainers are here to help you!

BÜNDA is a workout you can do every day! We recommend coming 4-6 days a week to see a change. There are no quick fixes. You must put the work in, and if you do, you will be very happy with the results!

Yes! You’ll need 3 pieces of BÜNDA equipment we use throughout the week. These can be rented or purchased in-studio.

Since the stairs are low impact (provided you stick within our programming guidelines), clients that have or have dealt with knee injuries in the past have had a lot of success with using the stairs. Additionally, training your glutes often will help tremendously with knee and lower back injuries. The glute muscles stabilize the lower back and the knee joints. The stronger your glutes become the less stress on those joints!

We have a New Client Offer – 50% off a drop-in class. Check your location for pricing! After your first class, our staff can help you select the membership or package that best suits your lifestyle. And as a new client, we will hook you up with some great deals!